School Photo

Parent Council

30th Jan 2023

Parent Council 2022-2023

Parent Council Meeting Dates 2022-2023

Parent Council MAGM Sept 2022

Parent Council Minutes Sept 2022

HT report Nov 2022

Parent Council 202-2022

Parent Council Minutes Jan 2021

Parent Council Minutes Feb 2021

Parent Council Minutes March 2021

HT Report Sept 2021

HT Report Sept 2021

HT report May 2022

Parent Council Minutes May 2022

Parent Council Meeting Presentation May 2022

Parent Council Meeting Meetings 201-2022

Parent Council 2020-2021

HT Report August 2020

HT Report Oct 2020

Constitution AGM Oct 2020

HT Report Jan 2021

Parent Council Minutes Jan 2021

Parent Council Minutes Feb 2021

HTReport March 2021 

Parent Council Minutes March 2021

Authority CHAIRs April 2021

Authority Report April 2021

Parent Council Minutes May 2021

Parent Council Minutes June 2021

Parent Council 2019-2020
HT Report Sept 2019

HT Report Nov 2019

HT report Feb 2020

HT Report June 2020

20th Oct 2018

About the Parent Council

By law schools have a duty to promote parents’ involvement in children’s education. Parents are encouraged to:

  • be involved with their child’s education and learning;
  • be welcomed as active participants in the life of the school; and
  • express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with their children’s schools.


Every parent who has a child at our school is a member of the Parent Forum. The parent council is a group of those parents chosen to represent the parent forum. As a member of the Parent Forum, each parent can expect to:

  • receive information about the school and its activities;
  • hear about what partnership with parents means in our school;
  • be invited to be involved in ways and times that suit you;
  • identify issues you want the parent council to work on with the school;
  • be asked your opinion by the parent council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides;
  • work in partnership with staff; and
  • enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way you can.

Please come back to this page soon for information updates from St. Benedict's Parent Council.