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Our Vision

St. Benedict’s High School – Our Vision, Values and Aims

St. Benedict’s High School is a Roman Catholic community with an ethos centred on and inspired by the love of Christ, expressed through our shared vision, values and aims. 

Pupils, parents, staff and partners have been involved in establishing our vision and values.  By ensuring we are challenging and ambitious we seek to present a vision which reflects the needs and aspirations of our Community of Faith and Learning.

Our Shared Vision – Ora et Labora – Pray and Work

St. Benedict’s is a community where all young people feel valued and included, where the achievements of our young people are recognised and celebrated. It is a community where everyone is treated with respect, the values of the Gospel are evident every day and we encourage high aspirations of excellence for all of our young people.

Our Values

The values which underpin this vision and which shape our approaches, relationships, policies and behaviour are:

  • Respect
  • Love
  • Trust
  • Tolerance
  • Integrity

Our Aims

  • To put faith into action to support everyone in our wider community and beyond.
  • To fully develop the unique talents of all members of our community spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially and physically.
  • To provide a safe, caring, inclusive and nurturing environment where everyone feels valued
  • To provide our young people with the highest possible standards of learning and teaching.
  • To maximise the attainment and achievement of our young people.
  • To nurture in our young people creativity and aesthetic appreciation.
  • To work in close partnership with parents, the Church and the wider community.
  • To ensure all of our young people progress into positive and sustained destinations.
  • To provide opportunities for the personal and professional development of staff.


Date   Event  
Wed Aug 14th   In-Service Day
Thu Aug 15th   In-Service Day
Fri Aug 16th   Pupils Return