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Saltire Awards

Saltire awards recognise and celebrate the volunteering achievements of young people in Scotland.

St. Benedict’s High School is proud to have so many of our young people engaged in volunteering work within our community and the Saltire Awards are a way of formally recognising their outstanding work.

There are a several awards pupils can achieve based on the number of hours of volunteering work completed. If you would like to know more you can visit the Saltire Awards web site.

Any pupils interested in finding out more about the Saltire Awards should speak to Mrs Tweed (Computing Science) or Mrs Fletcher (English).

Below you can find the latest information on the awards achieved by our current pupils.


500 hours volunteering:


Award Winners
Sara Law


100 hours volunteering:


Award Winners
Liam Campbell
Katie Colligan
Eilidh Taggart


50 hours volunteering:


Award Winners
Aimee Dillon
Romy Donald
Molly Gray
Eve Mullen


25 hours volunteering:


Award Winners
Hollie David
Emily Dowling
Reagan McDermott
Kaitlynn Moran


10 hours volunteering:


Award Winners
Kayleigh Mccrystal
Daniel Moore
Riona Reid
Cian Thomson


Just Started:


The following pupils are now working towards their first Saltire Award:
Shayan Adams
Kayleigh Alexander
Daniel Boyle
Mikey Brown
Abbey Campbell
Gemma Curran
Taylor Curran
Ciara Farren
Jenna Farren
Ryan Fitch
Austin Gilmour
Maria Johnston
Anthony Lessels
Alexis Mason
Matthew Mcclure
Naomie Mcewan
Leila McGourty
Niamh Mclaughlin
Patrick Mcnish
Polly McPhee
Aoife Murdoch
Alyssa Murray
Kelechi Nwokeabia
Ethan Reid
Aaron Rowe
Luke Smith
Karris Todd
Erin Toland
Madeline Whitehorn

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Date   Event  
Wed Aug 14th   In-Service Day
Thu Aug 15th   In-Service Day
Fri Aug 16th   Pupils Return