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Welcome to our website. You will find a variety of information and important documents relating to school improvement and the everyday life of the school through the menus at the top of the page. As a Catholic comprehensive school, we are a school of faith and learning with Gospel values at the core of everything we do. We are committed to delivering excellence. We set no limits to the ambitions of our young people, and the expectations of our parents, fostering a ‘can do’ growth mindset attitude. We promote and support the highest standards from our pupils in all aspects of school life, in their attitude to learning, in their personal conduct and in their appearance. We do this in an atmosphere which is safe, happy, disciplined, purposeful and productive. Prominence is given to the quality of relationships between staff and pupils, as well as academic attainment and wider achievement. We are well aware that our success depends on the partnership between school and home, and I encourage you to take an active interest in the work and                                                                                   life of the school. 


                                                                              Alan Taylor

                                                                              Head Teacher



Date   Event  
Wed Aug 14th   In-Service Day
Thu Aug 15th   In-Service Day
Fri Aug 16th   Pupils Return