School Photo

School Day

School grounds

The school operates a 33-period week. Each day starts at 8.50am. 

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are longer, 7-period days. 

Wednesdays and Fridays are shorter days, having only 6 periods and an earlier finishing time.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
Period 1 8.50
Period 2 9.40
Interval 10.30
Period 3 10.45
Period 4 11.35
Period 5 12.25
Lunch 1.15
Period 6 1.55
Period 7 2.45
School Closes 3.35

Wednesday & Friday
Period 1 8.50
Period 2 9.40
Interval 10.30
Period 3 10.45
Period 4 11.35
Lunch 12.25
Period 5 1.05
Period 6 1.55
School Closes 2.45


Date   Event  
Wed Aug 14th   In-Service Day
Thu Aug 15th   In-Service Day
Fri Aug 16th   Pupils Return